Don't you just love to watch the oscar dresses? I don't watch the oscars, but the dresses are just amazing. I watched a documantary (if you can call it a documentary) about red carpet dresses. And Oscar dresses in particular. How much money brands like Chanel and Gucci spend to let a celebrity wear their dress. After I watched it I read something:Nicole Kidman said. She obviously is a star in picking (or letting her assistent pick) here red carpet dresses. She said her three year old doughter would pick her dress. This is what she wore:
Ofcourse her doughter didn't pick the dress but I read people thougt her shoes were a mis match. I really disagree. They look perfect with the dress, and the dress by itself does to. Now the only thing I wonder is how much money they payed her to wear this.
Do you want to see some other Oscar dresses?
Do you want to see some other Oscar dresses?
I'm so jealous!
How about you?
1 opmerking:
ik snapte ook echt niet waarom iedereen die prachtige jurk van Kidman afbrak, ik vond haar er super uitzien!!
en T2 is een vintage winkeltketen in antwerpen, ze hebben ook een vestiging in gent. Je moet echt eens langsgaan, vooral hun winkels in de kammenstraat en de lange klarenstraat zijn echt fantastisch! 1 keer per maand hebben ze een week ofzo alles afgeprijsd, eerste dagen 30%, dan 50%, en dan alles voor 2 euro en de laatste dagen alles voor 1 euro! SUPER! :D
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