vrijdag 18 november 2011

Part two, the last part.

Here it is, part of the shoot with Eveline and Merel.

We went to the city's canals and after that to the port of our city. I think the pictures that were taken at the port turned out the best. The lighting is beautifull and our clothes match so well with the environment.

I hope you like this last part just as much as I do!


PS If you have any questions about the clothing, just aks me!

Follow Lace and Silk

woensdag 16 november 2011

Through mud and sand..

I know, I know, it's been a while! I had some excamns this week and had zero time to do something about the blog. I'm totaly stressed out, well okay, I was. I'm not that stressed anymore because I have a day off from school tomorrow. There's just one excamn left on monday but that won't be the hardest.

More horrible things happen when you don't have any free time left, I opened my mail today and found out I had almost 60 new emails. Men I'm so populair! (just kidding, most of it was advertising stuff).

But here is what I found between all the advertising stuff, the pictures of the fotoshoot!

You already know the last picture but I thought it just made this post more complete. This is just one part of the shoot, the next part will be shown here soon, I promise.

Follow Lace and Silk

PS here is a link to Merels Flickr.

I'm Sure Eveline will post some pictres too verry soon. Don't forget to check out her blog here.

woensdag 2 november 2011


Sources: 5 inch and up & various Tumblrs

Browsing thrue my files I found some good matching pictures. Just could not ingore the feeling of showing them to you!

Follow Lace and Silk
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